Simpozij thumbnail


Exhibtion idenity design. Under supervision of Jure Ahtik. NTF OTGO, January 2019

Identity for the final exhibition for the course of Media Visualisation which took place at the end of semester. Illustration draws on the characters of Athenian School as depicted by Raffaello Santi, bringing together – differences aside – colleagues and rivals in an event of celebration.

Took place February 2019 in bar Centralna Postaja, Ljubljana.

Simpozij typography
Source details

[↖] The School of Athens. Raffaello Santi, 1509-1511 [↗] Painting detail. Inspiration for illustration.

Simpozij illustration
Brochure front
Brochure spread

[↖] Brochure cover design. [↗] Introductory spread, designed by Maša Pušnik.

Simpozij poster

Final poster for the event.